Jesus in the books of Samuel – OUR MERCY & GRACE
The LORD brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up. – 1 Samuel 2:6 
Disaster! My life is over! I’ve rehearsed this ending to my story a thousand times. And it is now playing out, just as I feared. Oh, I started out in life with such promise… The grandson of the Great King Saul, and the son of Jonathan, heir to the throne of Israel. But something went terribly wrong…
My grandfather Saul seemed to get crazy in his old age. He drove my father’s best friend, David, out of the Kingdom. He was threatened by David, who remained loyal to my grandfather and faithful to God. And when my grandfather Saul and father Jonathan went to war with the Philistines, they were both killed in battle. I was only five years old at the time. But even then, I knew that David would become King and destroy me, an heir to the throne.
My nanny also knew this, and she protected me. She held my hand tightly as together we ran from the Palace to safety. But I could not keep up, so she picked me up and continued running down the steep steps of the Palace. It was then that the next disaster of my life took place. My nanny lost her balance and fell headlong down the great steps and I fell with her. And both of my ankles were broken. Even then, my nanny was faithful. She made sure I was taken far from the Palace to the home of a trusted friend in Lo Debar. There my legs mended, but badly, and I was lame. And I have harbored deep resentment and hatred for King David for destroying my life.
I have managed to hide out from the King for fifteen years before the law caught up with me. And now here I am, kneeling before The King. I HAVE REHEARSED MY FATE A THOUSAND TIMES. He will condemn me to death, for I am an enemy of The King.
“MEPHIBOSHETH!”, The King spoke with authority from His judgement seat.
“Sir”, I mumble as I stare at the marble floor at my feet. I am waiting for the sword. Then I hear His powerful voice again.
“Don’t be frightened,” I hear Him saying. “I’d like to do something special for you in memory of your father Jonathan. To begin with, I’m returning to you all the properties of your grandfather Saul. Furthermore, from now on you’ll take all your meals at my table.”
Is this some kind of a trick? I know I DESERVE DEATH for the thoughts I have had for the past ten years about this man. But as I stutter, unable to speak, I am being ushered into the royal household; being treated as one of the King’s own sons. I am bathed and dressed in fine linens and brought to King’s table where I am served alongside of Him. Indeed, I have found GRACE, unmerited favor, from the King this day.
My past has been forgiven and forgotten. And I will serve this King for the remainder of my days. 
There is perhaps no better picture of God’s undeserved Mercy and overwhelming Grace towards us than the story of Mephibosheth in 2nd Samuel 9. Mephibosheth was a grandson of King Saul, the first king of Israel who started out well but then turned away from the God. He then plotted to destroy David, God’s chosen one. Thus, there was alienation and enmity between King David and the dynasty of Saul. Mephibosheth was crippled since childhood from a fall. He had lived a miserable life and deserved a sentence of death from King David.
But David not only showed mercy to Mephibosheth, but instead treated him as a son. Not because of anything Mephibosheth had done, but because of David’s love for Jonathan his father, who died to save the kingdom.
Friend, we are hopelessly crippled by sin. We deserve death but are instead offered God’s undeserved Mercy and overwhelming Grace because of Jesus’ substitutionary death on our behalf.
My Friend, are you crippled by your sin? Do you deserve only death? Jesus died to save you. He loves you with an everlasting love! Believe in Him and receive eternal life today. 
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